For 30 years we have delivered the best possible advice and service to clients who are often facing stressful and challenging issues with their lives or businesses. You the client are at the centre of our business values. We have developed a charter which states how we will deliver our service to you.
We recognise the trust our clients place in us to manage their affairs honestly and securely. We have a proven track record for achieving that outcome from our three office locations.
Matthew Winder, Managing Director, Sept 2023

The site publishes information about the type of cases we undertake and provides background information about our solicitors.
Importantly this site is a gateway to our firm and therefore we provide upfront information about our charges and the information we will need from you when you decide to instruct us.
At the end of your case you will be asked to complete a client feedback form so that we can assess your experience of dealing with Clarkson Hirst. We will make a donation to St Johns Hospice and Cancer Care in respect of every completed questionnaire that is sent to us. I very much appreciate your custom and feedback. If you would like to discuss any aspect of our service with me then please do not hesitate to contact me.