Information about what the service includes

Clarkson Hirst Solicitors Limited

Our service includes acting in the sale and/or purchase of your residential purchase of your property and undertaking the steps which are set out in the conveyancing time frame and flow chart.

Work we do not do

  1. We do not give tax advice in relation to income tax and capital gains tax, inheritance tax or capital allowances. We would recommend that you take advice from your accountant on these taxes.
  2. We do not give advice about the availability of insurance for a property.
  3. We do not give advice on whether your property is insurable from a flood risk point of view and you should take advice from a broker on that.
  4. We do not advise on the appropriate division of equity in the event that you plan to hold the property as a co-owner as what’s called Tenants in Common. You would need to take independent legal advice on co-ownership.
  5. We do not undertake searches of land other than the land you are purchasing. If you wish us to make enquiries about land adjoining the land you are purchasing then we would have to undertake a separate local search and charge you an additional fee for undertaking that search which means the local search charge on our list of charges would be double. We would also charge an additional sum of £75 plus VAT for that service.
  6. We do not check the validity of guarantees for works undertaken to a property you are purchasing.
  7. We do not notify a guarantor under a guarantee of a change of ownership and you would be required to do this following completion.
  8. We do not draft a will as part of our service but we will refer you to our wills department if you wish who would be happy to provide that service.
  9. We do not give advice in relation to the tax implications of owning a Buy to Let property and you oshould take advice from your accountant on the tax implications.
  10. We do not check the validity of tenancy agreements if you are buying a property subject to a tenancy.
  11. We do not give financial advice on mortgage products. We do not assess whether you can afford to pay your mortgage and you should take advice from your mortgage broker on this.

Our service commitment

We will keep you informed of all the main developments on your file. We will provide you with a legal report on the property you are buying. We will keep you informed of the main stages as they are reached in the case.

We look to return your calls on the day you contact us and if that is not possible, the day after. You may request a variation to our service commitment to suit you and please request this from Matthew Winder if required.