Our 24-hour criminal defence team is listed below.
Hannah Youren hannahy@clarksonhirst.com
Hannah Youren is a Duty Solicitor and Director based at our Lancaster office. Hannah has practiced from Lancaster Magistrates’ Court and Lancaster Police Station and Kendal Police Station for many years, and has developed a fine reputation as a tenacious Criminal Defence Solicitor. Hannah’s practice includes preparing serious crown court trial cases. Hannah has practiced in criminal defence work since she qualified as a solicitor on the 15th September 2010. Hannah has worked for Clarkson Hirst as a criminal defence solicitor since 1st September 2016.
Hannah is accredited to the Law Society Criminal Litigation panel as a Criminal Defence Specialist Solicitor.
Call: 07814613093
Email: hannahy@clarksonhirst.com
James McCall-Harkness jamesm@clarksonhirst.com
James is a qualified Criminal defence solicitor based at our Barrow office and covers cases at Barrow and Kendal police station. James has represented clients in over 200 interviews under caution covering police custody and voluntary interviews at police stations and prisons, as well as interviews undertaken by the DWP, regulatory authorities, and HMRC.
James has covered a broad range of offences, including rape, serious fraud, terrorism (sections 1, 2, 12, 13), GBH, attempted murder, and murder.
Email: jamesm@clarksonhirst.com
Mathew Smith mathews@clarksonhirst.com
Mathew is a police station accredited representative covering Lancaster and Kendal. Mathew is also an experienced crown court case worker.
Call: 0152439760
Email: mathews@clarksonhirst.com
24-hour Police station team
Clarkson Hirst operates a truly 24 hour police station advice service so if you, one of your relatives, friends or colleagues is at the police station and requires advice please telephone 07880 948950 for our Lancaster and Kendal offices and 07973 622702 for our Barrow office. You will be diverted to the on call solicitor who will be able to assist you.